OxyContin® and OxyNEO® Class Action Settlement



Attention Claimants,

The claims review process for the OxyContin® and OxyNEO® Class Action Settlement is almost complete. If you submitted a claim, please be advised that the Deficiency Period for correcting incomplete claims will be opening soon.

What This Means for You:

What You Should Do Now:

Check your email and mail regularly for any communication from the Claims Administrator.

Prepare any necessary documentation that may support your claim. This includes obtaining all medical and pharmacy records for the three years before you were first prescribed OxyContin® and/or OxyNEO® through to the end of your Period of Addiction.  If some or all of the records are unavailable, you must submit an affidavit sworn or affirmed by you that describes your use of OxyContin® and/or OxyNEO® for the timeframe that is not supported by records and that contains, as exhibits, true copies of the record requests that were made and the responses received by the Class Member.

Respond promptly once you receive a deficiency notice to avoid missing the deadline.


We encourage all Class Members to stay informed and proactive during this phase. If you have any questions regarding the deficiency period or your claim status, please contact the Claims Administrator at:


📞 1-888-663-7185
📧 [email protected]
🌐 www.oxycontinclassactionsettlement.com

Settlement Details

The Settlement Agreement was approved Canada-wide on November 8, 2022, and the approval became final on February 6, 2023. You and your family members may be entitled to compensation if you were prescribed in Canada, ingested, and subsequently developed an addiction to OxyContin® and/or OxyNEO® tablets at any time between January 1, 1996 and February 28, 2017.

Who is Eligible to Participate in the Settlement?

The Class Members are defined as:

All persons in Canada, including their estates, who at any time between January 1, 1996 and February 28, 2017 were prescribed in Canada and ingested OxyContin® tablets and/or OxyNEO® tablets, manufactured, marketed and/or sold or otherwise placed into the stream of commerce in Canada by one or more of the Defendants (the “Class” or “Class Members”); and

All persons in Canada who by virtue of a personal relationship to a Class Member have a Family Law Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.F.3 (or equivalent legislation in other provinces or territories) derivative claim (the “Family Class” or “Family Class Members”).

What does the Settlement Provide?

The Canada-wide Settlement provides for the payment of $20,000,000 (Canadian dollars) which will be used to pay Class Member compensation, the administration of the Settlement, health care expenses incurred by the Provincial Health Insurers, and Class Counsel’s legal fees, disbursements, and applicable taxes. The amount that will be paid to eligible Class Members will be unknown until after the end of the Claims Period, and after all administration has been completed.

For more information about how compensation is determined, you should review the Settlement Agreement, the proof requirements in FAQ 9 or contact the Claims Administrator (see Contact Us tab) or Class Counsel (see FAQ 18).

Check out the Frequently Asked Questions section for more details on the Settlement.